Women begin to see their gynecologist shortly after they become sexually active or start their period. Men, on the other hand, don’t usually see a urologist until their later years. This is because the prostate changes as men age. It’s one of the only organs that continues to grow throughout your life. This can cause several complications in the urologic and sexual functioning in aging men. Seeing a urologist after a certain age is also the best way to catch prostate cancer early on, therefore increasing your chance of survival tenfold. Your urologist can save your life, so it’s not an appointment to miss. To help you better understand the importance of this, here are 7 reasons why men over 40 should see a urologist regularly.
- Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is one of the most common prostate problems in men. By the age of 85, nearly 90% of men will have experienced at least some sign of enlarged prostate and some will need treatment to address these changes. Since your prostate never stops growing, it can easily cause urinary obstructions that develop into uncomfortable or inconvenient symptoms. These primarily affect the urethra, which carries both urine and sperm out of your body. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is not cancerous, but it can be frustrating to live with and lead to other complications.
During younger years, the enlargement of your prostate generally doesn’t cause any noticeable symptoms. The effects of BPH don’t tend to show up until you’re 40 or 50, making regular trips to the urologist essential to your comfort and healthy urinary function. You may notice that your urinary stream slows or dribbles while using the bathroom, you have difficulty beginning urination, you’re frequently urinating or feeling an increased sense of urgency, and you have nocturia. Symptoms can progress and worsen causing bladder stones, hematuria, bladder infections, and even kidney damage, which is why treatment is essential. If you notice any of these signs before you begin seeing your urologist regularly, schedule an appointment for diagnosis.
- Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction, also referred to as impotence, occurs when you’re unable to get or maintain an erection long enough to engage in sexual intercourse. While most men will experience this at least once or twice throughout their life, erectile dysfunction is marked by the persistence of the issue—it happens more often than not. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by many things, both mental and physical, which is why seeking out treatment from a urologist is essential. Mental causes of ED are likely due to stress, anxiety, or depression and can be addressed through the proper treatment. Physical causes of erectile dysfunction range from heart disease and high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndromes, multiple sclerosis, prescription medication use, tobacco use, Peyronie’s disease, surgery, low testosterone, and even treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostate cancer.
While erectile dysfunction can affect men of any age, it begins to occur more frequently during your late 40s and early 50s. This is because many of the physical causes of erectile dysfunction begin to occur more often in aging men. Just because you’re experiencing impotence does not mean that you’ll suffer from it forever. By seeing your urologist regularly, you can work towards a treatment and enjoy a healthy sex life for years to come.
- Vasectomy
Some parents want to keep growing their families, while others aren’t looking to add any more children into the mix. If you fall in the latter category, it might be beneficial to speak with your urologist about undergoing a vasectomy. Undergoing this procedure as you age will allow you to have unprotected sex with your partner without having to worry about other methods of birth control.
Vasectomies are safe and, in some cases, reversible. However, in the case that yours may be permanent, it’s important to fully consider your decision. Vasectomies are fast, simple, and easily performed as an outpatient procedure. There are no long-term risks, and the recovery time is minimal. If you have any questions or concerns about getting a vasectomy, don’t hesitate to reach out to your urologist.
- Urinary Conditions
Due to the prevalence of benign prostatic hyperplasia in aging men, urinary conditions are common. Urinary conditions can range from changes in urinary stream, frequency, nocturia, or difficulty starting and/or stopping your urine stream. These are directly caused by prostate growth. There are also a few other urinary conditions that increase in men as they age, especially in regard to kidney stones.
Kidney stones are small stones formed in the kidneys from crystalizing urine. They’re caused by chemical imbalances and can slowly grow over time, making voiding extremely uncomfortable or downright painful. If you begin noticing signs of kidney stones, call your urologist right away. While many people end up passing kidney stones on their own, there are certain instances where outside treatment is needed.
Some men experience kidney stones all their lives, while others begin to notice them as they get older. Regardless of your age, seeing your urologist regularly to help prevent or reduce the occurrence of kidney stones can help you avoid painful situations over the years.
- Testicular Changes
In addition to changes in the prostate, testicular changes are not uncommon in aging men. If you don’t currently perform testicular exams, we recommend that you start. This is the best way to catch any potentially harmful changes early on and to avoid serious complications. Sometimes, when something doesn’t seem right, you may be able to tell with or without the exam. If there are any noticeable changes to your testes or you begin to feel pain, make sure that you see your urologist. The longer you wait to address these issues, the more dangerous it can be. Testicular cancer is a serious threat and while it often gets overshadowed by prostate cancer, it still occurs in many men. Testicular cancer is often associated with lower back pain, breast growth, and soreness, so keep an eye out for these symptoms in addition to changes to one or both testicles.
- Hematuria
Hematuria, or blood in the urine, can occur due to several reasons. However, hematuria is almost always an indication that something is not right. It can occur from benign prostatic hyperplasia, kidney stones, or even tumors throughout the urinary tract. If you see any signs of blood in your urine, see your urologist right away.
- Prostate Cancer Screenings
The most important reason that men over 40 should see a urologist regularly is to undergo prostate cancer screenings. Prostate cancer is one of the highest occurring cancers among men and it’s also one of the most dangerous. This is because prostate cancer does not present many noticeable symptoms until it’s progressed into advanced stages. Therefore, the best way to be proactive about your health and to catch prostate cancer before it becomes impenetrable is to get screenings. Beginning between ages 40 and 50, men should see their urologist yearly for a rectal exam and PSA testing. If you have a family history of prostate cancer or are African American, you should begin these screenings at 40. Otherwise, many urologists agree that 50 is sufficient.
Prostate cancer can be deadly if not caught early, but thanks to proactive screenings and early detection, many men make a full recovery. It’s not worth the risk to skip these screenings, so schedule an appointment with your urologist today.
Seeing your urologist regularly is essential, especially for men over 40. It’s a proactive way to make sure that you’re staying healthy and addressing any problems early on. Consistently seeing the same urologist will help you feel more comfortable and reassure you that your medical history is well understood. However, while you should see a urologist regularly after the age of 40, you should make an appointment earlier if you suffer from symptoms of any urologic conditions. This will allow you to get treatment so that your condition doesn’t worsen, or the infection doesn’t spread and cause other complications. If you need any urologic supplies or additional educational resources, visit our educational support page or our product selection guide. Byram Healthcare is proud to offer full-service urologic care with the high-quality urologic supplies that you need. If you need to order any urologic supplies, all of your orders can be discreetly delivered to your home, at any time of the day. If you have any questions or need personalized, confidential services, our team of knowledgeable urologic customer service specialists are here to help.