Broad Selection of Ostomy Supplies & Accessories
We provide Ostomy Supplies from the following companies:
- Coloplast
- ConvaTec
- Cymed
- Eakin
- Fortis
- Hollister
- Kem
- Marlen
- Na'Scent
- Nu-Hope
- Safe N' Simple
What Supplies are Covered by Insurance?
The table below outlines the quantity of supplies that medicare will reimburse for a given amount of time. Many health plans follow Medicare's guidelines. Higher quantities may be allowed by insurance. This depends on specific medical reasons documented by the physician in the patient's Chart Notes.

Accountability Report
We offer you the opportunity to access an Accountability Report sent daily to your email. This report provides you with a day end status on all orders you have submitted on behalf of your patients and keeps you in the know on important patient care issues, reducing multiple phone calls on order status. Please contact your Byram Account Manager to gain access to this report.
Simple to use:
- At the end of each business day, you will receive information on all orders.
- Patients are listed alphabetically, with their date of birth for proper identification.
- Orders remain on the report until they are shipped or cancelled.
Refer a Patient
Byram has several options to make it easy for you to refer a patient.
- Phone: 1-800-308-9445
- Fax: 1-866-811-4500

Explore our Ostomy Product Catalog
Along with our product offering, our catalog offers valuable information about insurance, education and more.
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