Calcium alginate dressings are highly absorptive fiber dressings made from brown seaweed. When mixed with wound drainage, they form a natural gel that helps speed up the healing process, promotes autolytic debridement, and absorbs excess fluid. They’re available in both sheets and ropes. They can be ordered with silver, which helps reduce the amount of bacteria in the wound. These dressings are meant for wounds producing moderate to high drainage and require a secondary dressing to keep it in place. Calcium alginate dressings can be changed daily, depending on the amount of drainage present in the wound.
How to Apply:
- Cut the dressing to fit the wound.
- Apply the dressing in direct contact with the wound.
- Cover the alginate with a secondary dressing such as gauze, foam, or a composite dressing as directed by your doctor.
- When applying an alginate rope into tunnels, avoid overfilling or overstuffing the wound.
Collagen dressings are derived from animal sources, such as cattle, horses, or pigs and should not be used if you’re allergic to these animals. Collagen helps promote the growth of new collagen at the wound site, which can speed up the healing process. Collagen dressings come as gels, powders, pastes, or freeze-dried sheets placed directly on the wound. Collagen dressings are typically changed anywhere from 1-7 days, depending on the product used and amount of drainage present.
How to Apply a Collagen Sheet:Collagen sheet:
- Cut the dressing to fit in the wound bed.
- Apply directly on the wound.
- If needed, dampen the dressing with saline.
- Apply a secondary dressing as directed by your doctor.
- Apply a liberal amount of gel to the wound base and cover it with gauze or a secondary dressing, whichever your doctor recommends. You can also apply the gel directly to the gauze then place it in contact with the wound surface
Composite dressings combine two or more layers of material into a single dressing. They can function as either a primary or secondary dressing on a number of different types of wounds. Oftentimes, composite dressings are paired with topical medications for the most effective healing. Most composite dressings come with an adhesive border and are available in multiple sizes; some even provide a bacterial barrier to the wound. These dressings are versatile and convenient for both shallow and deep wounds.
How to Apply:- Remove all packaging.
- Pull back the plastic strips just like you would on a large Band-Aid.
- Apply over the wound
Foam dressings are designed to create a moist environment that’s conductive to healing. They’re made from water resistant polymers (generally polyurethane), which absorb wound drainage. Foam dressings are typically non-adherent and allow water vapor to enter while keeping bacteria and contaminants out. Foam dressings can be changed as often as every 3 days.
How to Apply:- Remove all packaging.
- Apply the foam directly onto the wound.
- If the foam has a secondary cover, this will always go on the outside.
- If the foam has an adhesive border, gently press down on the skin to adhere.
Honey dressings are made with medical grade honey and come in gels, gauze, and fibers. They provide a moist environment for wound healing and help with wound debridement while simultaneously reducing bacteria.
How to Apply- Apply the honey onto the gauze and place in the wound bed.
- You can also place a thin layer of the honey dressing in the wound base and cover it with gauze.
- Cover the gauze with a secondary dressing.
Hydrocolloid dressings are often the preferred choice when dealing with overly dry wound sites. Hydrocolloids create a moist environment that supports the body’s healing process and aids in the removal of nonviable tissue without damaging new tissue. They generally only absorb a small to moderate amount of drainage. Hydrocolloid dressings can be left in place for 3-7 days.
How to Apply:- Remove the plastic from the dressing
- Place the dressing over the wound with the sticky side down so that it touches the wound.
- The dressing should be about 1 inch larger than the wound on all sides.
- Press it down over the wound bed
Hydrofiber dressings are absorbent wound covers that manage drainage. They work by turning the fluid from the wound into a gel to help maintain a moist environment for optimal wound healing and the formation of granulation tissue. Hydrofiber dressings come in many shapes and sizes, including ropes for tunnel wounds, and are available with or without silver. Hydrofiber dressings can be changed as often as daily, depending on the amount of drainage.
How to Apply:- Cut the dressing to fit in the wound.
- Apply the dressing in direct contact with the wound
- Cover with a secondary dressing such as gauze, foam, or a composite dressing as directed by your doctor.
- When applying a rope into tunnels, avoid overfilling or overstuffing the wound.
Hydrogel dressings are composed mostly of water mixed with polymers and come in a sheet or gel form. The composition helps keep the wound bed moisturized and is therefore not recommended for heavily draining wounds. Instead, hydrogel works best on dry wounds along with low-level burns, radiation skin damage, severe scrapes, and partial or full-thickness lesions. Hydrogel dressings are non-adherent, trauma free dressings that help relieve pain. They should be changed every 1-3 days.
How to Apply Hydrogel:
You may use this product in one of two ways:
1. Apply a thin, nickel sized layer of gel in the wound base and cover it with gauze or another secondary dressing.
2. Apply the gel onto the gauze then place the gauze in contact with the wound. Cover with a secondary dressing and tape down.
How to Apply Sheet Hydrogel:
- Remove all packaging.
- Apply the sticky side down over the wound.
- The edges should extend at least 1 inch beyond the wound in all directions.
- Cover with a secondary dressing or tape down the edges.
Impregnated wound dressings are types of gauzes and non-woven sponges, ropes, and strips. They’re saturated with a solution such as an emulsion, oil, or an agent or compound that promotes healing. Some examples of impregnated dressings include:
- Hypertonic Saline Gauze – Typically used for drainage absorption and wound cleaning. This is changed daily and sometimes results in tissue destruction.
- Iodine Impregnated Gauze – Used for tunnel wounds with foul discharge. This is changed daily and sometimes results in tissue destruction.
- Petrolatum Impregnated Gauze – This helps wound protection and hydration. It’s recommended to change every 2-4 days and is particularly effective in extremity skin tears.
Super absorbent dressings are multi-layer wound covers that combine a semi or non-adherent layer of fibers and a highly absorptive layer of fibers. They’re specifically designed to minimize adherence to the wound while managing efficient drainage. They may be used as a primary or secondary dressing.
How To Apply:- Apply as a primary dressing directly to the wound base.
- Apply as a secondary dressing over a primary wound dressing.
- The manufacturer’s directions will tell you if there is a particular side that should be placed down on the wound.
Transparent films are a thin, see-thru dressing made from polyurethane. They do not absorb any drainage. Rather, they allow a small amount of liquid to pass through via a process called Moisture Vapor Transfer. Transparent film dressings are impermeable to water and bacteria.
- Remove all packaging.
- Pull the backing off of the dressing and apply the sticky side down over the wound.
- The dressing should be about 1 inch larger than the wound on all sides.
- If there is another layer of paper attached, gently remove it. Do not over stretch the dressing—it should lie flat on the wound.
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