Understanding the male reproductive organs is important—it gives insight as to whether things are working properly or not. If you’ve been trying to get pregnant but are having difficulty, you and your partner both need to look at the possibility of infertility. Oftentimes, this responsibility falls on the woman, but male infertility is more common than many people realize. In over a third of any infertility case, the problem is with the man.1 This doesn’t mean that you’re sterile, it just means that there’s a problem with either sperm production or sperm delivery.1 The good news is that there is hope and in this article, we’ll answer that very question: can a urologist help with low sperm count?
When all things are working as they should, a man’s body produces sperm cells. These sperm cells are produced because of signals from the hormones present in a man’s body. Male fertility depends on producing plenty of strong sperm cells to fertilize an egg. When there either aren’t enough sperm (low sperm count) or the sperm aren’t able to make it to the egg (low sperm mobility), conception will be difficult. In this article, we’re going to focus on low sperm count. However, if you’re having trouble getting pregnant, you could also be suffering from low sperm mobility. To better understand what’s going on, it’s important to see your urologist and receive a proper diagnosis.
Symptoms of Male Infertility
Male infertility is when a man is suffering from either low sperm count, low sperm mobility, or a combination of both. If you’re having trouble conceiving, keep an eye out for some of the following symptoms of male infertility:2
- Inability to conceive a child
- Hormonal imbalances
- Difficulty with ejaculation
- Small volumes of fluid ejaculation
- Reduced sexual desire
- Erectile dysfunction
- Pain, swelling, or a lump in the testicle area
- Inability to smell
- Gynecomastia (abnormal breast growth)
- Decreased facial or body hair
- Lower than normal sperm count
If you notice any of the above signs or symptoms, see your urologist. Regularly seeing your urologist can help make sure that things are working as they should. It also gives you a stronger ability to fix any underlying urologic problems that might be contributing to male infertility or any of the above symptoms.
Causes of Low Sperm Count
There are a number of reasons you might be suffering from low sperm count. The production of sperm relies on healthy bodily functions, many of which become disrupted or disturbed easily. The primary causes of low sperm count are as follows.
Sperm Disorders
Sperm disorders are the most common causes for low sperm count or poor sperm mobility.1 If you have a sperm disorder, your body will produce sperm that isn’t grown fully, oddly shaped sperm, sperm with mobility problems, oligospermia (very low sperm count), or azoospermia (no sperm production at all).1 Sperm disorders can either be present at birth or due to lifestyle choices. If you smoke, drink alcohol in excess, or take certain medications, your sperm count will be drastically reduced.1 Talk to your urologist about living a healthier lifestyle and testing for sperm disorders.
Varicoceles is the medical term for swollen veins in the scortum.1 When this occurs, sperm growth is stunted due to blocked blood drainage.1 Some doctors believe that since the blood doesn’t drain properly, it causes the temperature of your testicles to increase, thus harming sperm production.
Retrograde Ejaculation
This occurs when semen actually goes backwards into your body due to problems with the nerves and muscles in the bladder.1 When you climax, the sperm cannot reach the vagina, or a very low amount of sperm is released. Retrograde ejaculation has a number of causes and there are plenty of treatment options available.
If sperm is blocked from being released completely, only a small number will reach the vagina. This makes conception very difficult but can usually be fixed by removing the blockage. Whether you have a full or partial blockage will determine how low your sperm count is, so always see a urologist to better understand what’s happening.
Since the male reproductive system is governed by hormones, hormone imbalances can cause low sperm count. If you notice any signs of low testosterone, or just don’t feel like yourself, see your urologist for testing.
All medications have side effects, but some are more serious than others. If you’re taking any medications to treat arthritis, depression, digestive problems, infections, high blood pressure, or cancer, you might be experiencing low sperm count as a side effect.1 Talk to your doctor about trying a new medication if you’re trying to get pregnant, but don’t stop taking any prescriptions without talking to your doctor.
The best way to improve sperm count for successful fertility is to see your urologist. Your urologist will allow you to receive a proper diagnosis, better understand how your hormones play a part in your sperm production, and will give you a semen analysis to find out what’s going on. Once you receive a proper diagnosis, your urologist will be able to set up a treatment plan for you to help your body produce more sperm.
Treatment Options for Low Sperm Count
If you find that you are experiencing low sperm count, your urologist can help. There are a number of treatment options for low sperm count that can increase your chances of getting pregnant and restore your body back to normal. Your urologist will likely have you start with non-surgical treatment options since they’re less invasive. However, as we said, proper diagnosis is crucial because treatment depends completely on what’s causing the low sperm count.1
Non-Surgical Treatment
Non-surgical treatment options are done using a number of different medications to treat the underlying problem. There are also options for rectal probe electroejaculation, penile vibratory stimulation, and anibiotics.1 As we mentioned, finding your underlying cause is the key to treating your low sperm count properly, so it’s necessary to work with your urologist throughout this process.
Surgical Treatment
For problems that aren’t fixable with non-surgical treatments, your urologist might recommend simple surgeries. Varicoceles can be fixed with a minor outpatient surgery called varicocelectomy.1 There are also a number of surgical options to remove blockages or even undo a vasectomy. Keep in mind that not all vasectomies are reversible, so make sure you understand the risks prior to getting one in the first place. Another surgical option is a transurethral resection of the ejaculatory duct (TURED), which can help treat ejaculatory duct blocakges.1
Treatments for Sexual Intercourse Problems
If your low sperm count is due to sexual intercourse problems, don’t give up hope. There are several treatments that you can try to help restore the success of sexual intercourse and greatly improve your sperm count in the process. Talk to your doctor if you’re experiencing sexual intercourse problems and don’t be afraid to discuss the details. Almost every man will experience some sort of sexual dysfunction at least once in their lifetime, so it’s nothing to be ashamed of.
Have More Sex
After treating any sexual intercourse problems, start having more sex. Your body will respond by naturally producing more sperm to keep up with your sex life and in turn, can help naturally raise sperm counts.
Hormonal Treatments
If a hormone imbalance is causing low sperm count, your urologist will work with you to naturally correct your hormones or through using hormone replacement therapy. Once your body begins to regulate and use hormones properly, your sperm count should raise. If it doesn’t, there’s likely an additional problem.
Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
If all else fails or you don’t find any treatment that helps to raise your sperm count or fix mobility, you can look towards assisted reproductive technology (ART). Things like IVF, IUI, ICI, and IVI are available to help you get pregnant.
Low sperm count isn’t as uncommon as you’d think. Many men suffer from infertility issues due to low sperm count without even realizing it. If you’re trying to conceive and are having trouble, or if you notice any of the symptoms of low sperm count, see your urologist today. In the meantime, if you need any urological supplies or educational resources, visit our educational support page or our product selection guide. Byram Healthcare is proud to offer full-service urological care and we have all the high-quality urological supplies that you need. If you have any urological questions or need personalized services, our teams of knowledgeable urological customer service professionals are here to help.
1 https://www.urologyhealth.org/urologic-conditions/male-infertility
2 https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/male-infertility/symptoms-causes/syc-20374773