Documentation for Intermittent Catheters
Documentation for Medicare Guidelines
The standard written order (SWO) must include order quantity and the chart notes must support the SWO form.
Chart notes must include:
- The medical condition of permanent urinary incontinence or permanent urinary retention.
- The prescribing physician must have medical records supporting a permanent impairment of urination. A permanent condition is expected to last at least 3 months or more. This does not require a determination that there is no possibility of the patient’s condition improving in the future. The plan of care must indicate the type of catheter being used.
- The physician’s plan of care within the medical records should match the plan of care within the DWO.
Chart notes must include:
Same as Straight Tip Catheter
- Documentation in the chart notes indicating that the patient is unable to pass a straight catheter and requires a coude-tip catheter.
- Please note that a diagnosis is not sufficient on its own.
Chart notes must include:
Same as Straight Tip Catheter
One of the following conditions must be met and documented within the prescribing physician’s medical records:
1. Two distinct UTI’s (Urinary Tract Infections) within a 12-month period while on a program of intermittent catheterization or
Examples of accepted UTI symptoms, or
- Fever (oral temperature greater than 38º C [100.4º F])
- Systemic leukocytosis
- Change in urinary urgency, frequency, or incontinence
- Appearance of new or increase in autonomic dysreflexia (sweating, bradycardia, blood pressure elevation)
- Physical signs of prostatitis, epididymitis, orchitis
- Increased muscle spasms
- Pyuria (greater than 5 white blood cells [WBCs] per high-powered field)
2. Patient resides in a nursing facility as their primary residence, or
3. is immunosuppressed, for example, or
- On a regimen of immunosuppressive drugs post-transplant
- On cancer chemotherapy
- Has HIV or AIDS
- Has a drug-induced state such as chronic oral corticosteroid use
4. patient is a spinal cord injured female with neurogenic bladder who is pregnant (covered for the duration of pregnancy only).
Refer a Patient
Byram has several options to make it easy for you to refer a patient.
- Phone: 1-800-364-6057
- Fax: 1866-992-6331

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